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Notable Applications of ABA Services

ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) services are a form of therapy that focuses on improving specific behaviors, skills, and social interactions through behavior management, consultations, coaching, and many more. Here are some of the notable application...

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How ADHD Can Impact the Daily Life of Children

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that starts in childhood and can persist into adolescence or adulthood. The cause of ADHD is not fully understood, but its symptoms can negatively impact the lives of children, teens, and adults. In many cases, A...

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Autism: What are its Early Signs?

Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disability caused by differences in the brain. Children and individuals with autism spectrum disorder often have difficulties with communication, as well as interacting with others. Autism may also affect l...

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Helping People One Step at a Time

Autism is also known as autism spectrum disorder. This “spectrum” refers to a wide array of characteristics, skills, as well as abilities that individuals with autism have. In line with this spectrum, there are no two people are affected by autis...

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Common Misconceptions About ADHD

ADHD is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders affecting children. It can impact their performance in school, social skills, and overall motivation. Many children with ADHD may need comprehensive support to help them address any problema...

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Notable Benefits of ABA Therapy

Applied Behavioral Analysis, or ABA, is a therapy service that is based on the science of learning and behavior. It can help children with developmental or intellectual disabilities address issues associated with behavior to improve their quality of ...

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